Tag Archives: Meal plan

Herb Roasted MealFit Chicken

This is an easy dish.

Hope you enjoy.


½ C Grass Fed Butter
1 tbsp Garlic
2 tbsp of chopped oregano
2 tbsp chopped parsley
2 tbsp chopped chives
1 tsp Lemon zest
½ tsp black pepper
1 ½ tsp Salt
3 Boneless Skinless Chicken Thighs

Mix everything except the chicken until well combined

Sear Chicken on both sides it in a oven safe cast iron skillet.

Take your herb crust and place all over the top of the chicken.

Bake on 425 for 13 minutes
Enjoy and Post a pic on Social and tag us.

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What is the difference in Sweet Potatoes and Regular Potatoes?

One is good and one is bad.

One is Paleo and one is not?

So…..What is the difference?

We have put together an amazing Infographic that explains everything in words and pictures(Because we all learn better with images).

Click below to get this amazing Infographic about the difference in regular and sweet potatoes.

I hope this answers your questions. If you have any questions at all, please email me at thomas@mealfit.co

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MealFit Sushi

Classic Asian dish turned American (American)

Lots of fun with this one.

If you need a sushi mat here is a link to get one.


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Serves 6
Prep time 20 minutes

  • 12 slices of Bacon
  • 1 1⁄4 lb. of ground beef
  •  1⁄4 tsp salt
  •  1 tsp Garlic and SRIRACHA 
  • 1⁄4 tsp pepper
  • 6 Cheese Straws
  • BBQ Sauce
  • 1 container of fried onions 
Fried Rice
  •  1 small bag of pork rinds


  • Roll out Sushi Mat
  • Place 6 slices of bacon on the mat right next to each other.
  • Take your ground beef and season it with you salt, pepper and garlic and Sriracha seasoning and mix with your 
  • Spread half of the meat out on the bacon but leave about an inch at the top of the bacon.
  • Place 2 cheese Straws at the bottom of the ground beef.
  • Using the sushi mat, roll the bacon, beef, and cheese into a “sushi” roll and set aside
  •  Do the same the other bacon and beef.
  • Bake for 25 min on 350 or grill for 25 min on indirect heat.
  • Brush with BBQ sauce
  • Cook for another 5-10 min then brush again with BBQ sauce.
  • Crush onions in a plate and roll “Sushi” into onions.

Sushi roll cut


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Grilled Zucchini

In my line of business, a lot of what we do comes off of trial and error. You spend some time experimenting and see what happens. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose.

I am always looking at new ways to make food taste good that is not so traditional and at the same time be healthy.

Zucchini is a great vegetable that is low on calories and carbs. It is a versatile food that can be done in many ways.
Today we are going to grill it. We have a simple marinade and simple process that will be easy for you at home.

But 1st lets cut the zucchini into the shape we want. DSC00556 Cut the tops off of each zucchini


Then turn the zucchini on the end and slice it down. The thickness is up to you.
Next we are going to add the zucchini to a bowl.

When you have it in a bowl, you are then going to make your marinade
1/4 C of Olive oil

2 tbsp of White Wine Vinegar

1 tbsp of Garlic and Saracha Seasoning

1 tbsp Badia Complete Seasoning

Whisk it together real good.



Then pour the marinade over the zucchini. Make sure the zucchini gets coated fully.

Place it on the HOT GRILL. You want it to sear the zucchini on the first side.



After it has cooked for about 90 seconds to 2 minutes flip them over.

Once you flip them over, pour the sauce you used as the marinade on top and let it finish cooking for about another minute to 90 seconds.



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Here is the recipe.
3 zucchini
1/4 C of Olive oil
2 tbsp of White Wine Vinegar
1 tbsp Badia Complete Seasoning

Cut the ends off of the zucchini.
Then turn the zucchini on the end and slice it down. The thickness is up to you.
Next we are going to add the zucchini to a bowl.
Whisk it together real good.
Then pour the marinade over the zucchini. Make sure the zucchini gets coated fully.
Place it on the HOT GRILL. You want it to sear the zucchini on the first side.
Once you flip them over, pour the sauce you used as the marinade on top and let it Finish cooking for about another minute to 90 seconds.

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Nutrition Facts on all of the MealFit Plans

The people have spoken and we have delivered. Many of you have asked about including the Nutrition Facts on the plans so you can track your food.

In all of our original plans we now include:

  • Serving size
  • Calories
  • Fat
  • Carbohydrates
  • Protein

Our goal at MealFit is to make your life easier.

Here is a short video to explain.

QUESTION: Do you track your food?

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